Diets are the main issue of people not being consistent. Always some new "fad diet" way to loose weight.
Let's bin the word *diet* and call it what it is NUTRITION! (ye it sounds boring, so are all these fad diets they're just as bloody boring: Vegan, Paleo, Keto blah blah blah) that's the main focus building a solid as possible nutritional basis, given the amount of shit they pump into the processed foods it's a bit of a mine-field really.
We should go back to eating the foods we find most common in our geographical locations, if you're by the sea it'll be more of a fish/sea food based source, in a rural forest area it's more likely to be wild game, berries, nuts etc and so on.
Yes exporting has helped give many people a wider nutritional sources of food. Eating foods that are more geographically local to you could be better (my only hypothesis is that we like any other animals are evolutionary designed for the environments we are in and the food that surround us)