I agree that women will follow the lead of a man when he expresses the ability to be verbally/physically sexual (without over doing it). To her this gives her the plausible deniability that she can say "he started it" reducing her risk of being seen by other women and men as "easy, open, sluttish etc"
Before that point, I believe women initiate the process (as I mentioned via non verbal cues)
I will have to hold some disbelief that you didn't find your previous ex boyfriend as "non physically attractive at all" as all humans are visual creatures, physical attraction does matter (even if many people disagree) to an extent not matter how small.
So if I am understanding you correctly, you opened up more because you felt a sense of validation/boost in confidence from his consistent advances?
Many will disagree with what I am about to say: Humans use each other, we do so to gain something from someone we lack within ourselves. For if we had everything, why would we seek out relations (with the obvious exception of procreation)
Yes we do compliment each other at, it still comes down to people using each other be that too feel love, gain more resources, have a child, to advance his/her own aims (in many cases)
Yes it may paint a dire image, over romanisation seems to be a big part of why relationships crash, as no one wants to be real and have the hard conversations.. would you agree?