These are all predicated on the potential that either person isn't a boring ass person, can actually communicate effectively, wants to be open and share Information, actually wants to be there and isn't just looking for a free meal.
The simplest reason a date is boring is because either person is so fucking waded up with in their own minds they can't be themselves fully. Unfortunately nearly all people have what I've come to call a "social mask" the lieing bullshit face people want to see. However this falls away around 6 months into an interaction with someone.
So instead just be the normal you that you are everyday on day 1 (it's how I choose to be. It's actually a good way of filtering people very quickly I find)
While it's easy to say that the woman found it boring. There's a double edge blade at play: either he's a boring guy, she's a boring gal or the third one... The choice of date is boring.
We should scrap dates in leui of a simple café and a walk. Keeps it's simple, nothing fancy, no one feels they lose out financially and if things go south, all you paid for was a beverage you enjoy and a bit of your time. If things go well then you can plan a real date / or go for a second café meeting - whichever you prefer.