Yes female and male psychology don't differ on the whole, both men and women want the exact same thing, However men and woman have different ways of getting said same thing, that's where the whole "female psychology and male psychology" comes into it.
Irrespective to how small that difference is and it is small, it still matters.
Why do you think men are often looking to learn and understand how females function, because of that tiny difference. Where as it appears the majority of women don't want to learn or understand how men function - this is one of those simple facts of life.
What works on men can work on women vice versa to an extent. Men and women do operate differently to each other - that's the main reason there are male and female dating coaches etc etc ad norseum.
When men talk about "female psychology" they're usually referring towards how women function in the realm of dating, relationships, emotions, sexual and how they operate toward the opposite sex on aa general level not individually. Female "dating coaches" will likely express a similar sentiment.
I've spent over 10 yrs learning, understanding, applying, observing and asking women of different generations and ages questions based on all the information on female psychology I've found, alot of it holds true.
Although a lot of "dating advice" like these articles discuss in regards to females I've found applies to both sides equally, some of it works, some of it don't - it'll vary between people, yet there are certain things that work better on women than on men.
Hence all these "tips, lines tricks whatever" I'd say they are often used in the initial phase of any interaction to keep it from being the boring talk that I know women often do complain about (so it's a catch 22 in a way, be boring or ask open ended questions that may or may not work) the cavet is WHEN to use them as others have mentioned in comments. Some work better off the bat as an opener and others work better once you both know each other a bit.
((you can use them to create a light and fun interaction, the type of questions do matter as does timing and place))